1. Seagull: Stooop!!! I got ——- to tell ya!
2. Seagull: Don’t make any ——— moves. ——
2. Seagull: Don’t make any SUDDEN moves. HOP inside my mouth if you want to LIVE.
3. Marlon: Wo wo whoa! —- on! —– on! —- to cross.
4. Marlon: Has ——— seen my son?
5. Dory: Your —–, Chico?
6. Shark: No. It’s Nemo. We’re ——- for Nemo!
7. Crush: —– m’shell dude!
8. Dory: Let’s —– for directions.
9. Dory: What is it with —– and —— for directions?
10: Green crab: Yeah I —– him. But I’m not telling you where he —–.
11. Angel fish: We’re gonna —- him ——-.
12. SKIP
13. Seagull: Your —- been fighting the entire —– ——- for you.
14. Shark: I never knew my FATHER!
15. Smaller shark: Come on. Group —
16. Marlon: ooh. my stomach.
17. Tortoise: No hurlin’ on my shell, ——-, okay? just ——- it.
18. Seagull by the moonlight: ——-