Sarah’s Sardines Wow The Judges from “Bad Food Bares”

1. Joe: This person took an ——— from the ——- box and it wasn’t just the main ——— that ——. Every —— completely ——- us. This person may be small in ——, but they’re clearly very big in ——–. Please —— forward.. ——–.

2. Joe: What’s the —–?
Sarah: I made deep-fried ——– with a ——, ——– sprout and ——- salad

3. Joe: So this is —– to me because it is the most ——- dish of all the dishes, I think. Like when I think about ———- ——-, it’s all right here. It’s all cooked perfectly. It’s ——, and sweet.

4. Joe: D’you know how I like to —— sardines?
Sarah: ——?
Joe: Like this. Is that ——–?
Sarah: because you — a — —
Joe: I —- the whole —-

5. How —- did you —- them for?
uhhmm… —– minutes each
Did you fry them —- by ——?
Oh no chef. All —- of them —–

6. Did you —- yourself with the —–?
No —–.
Are you —- of the ——?
No —-.
Are you — of ——?
Yes —–
what’re you —— of?

7. Clowns? How can you be —— of clowns?
They’re ——.
Well, you’re —- of clowns and I’m afraid of how —– this —– is because it’s really really ——. I don’t even —– how you’ve —— up with this ——-. Thank you, Sarah.

8. So —- it —– beautiful. Who —— you how to —– like this you’re —– years of ——?
My ——- ——- a restaurant and when I was like 9 —— old i would —– with my —–.

9. The brussels —- taste —–. Love the —–, that —- it down. ——? delicious. Looks like —– has ——- off some of her —–. Here’s the ——, you’re maybe the —-, maybe the ——– but if I was —— ——- you right now I’d be ——- my —-. —–!
