나의 작업 환경

모니터 2개 (크기 모름) White macbook (2009 early model) Macbook Air (직접 구매한 것이 아니라 모름) iPad (iPad Air2) 여권   식탁이 나의 책상이 된지 6년째… 책상 위 상시 아이템은 총 5가지이다. API 참조하면서 빠른 코딩이 필요할 때만 보조 모니터를 사용하고 평소에는 잘 사용하지 ...Read More

A CURRENT AFFAIR – Migrant Millionaire

  1. This next story ——- almost anything can be —- with —– and hard work. 2. The two —– you’re about to —– started without a —–. Today, they’re ——-. 3. At that —- you don’t have any —-. 4. And the —– ...Read More

Gary Mehigan and George Calombaris

    1.Well. We’ve —— each other for a long ——-. 2.He was a little ——-. You know, —— faced lad with lots of —- back —–. He had —- black ——. 3. It’s hard to —— a lot of —– don’t —– me ...Read More

Apple Spring Forward’s video in keynote (2015.03.09.)

Apple Spring Forward’s video in keynote (2015.03.09.) 당연히 Download도 가능합니다. ResearchKit: http://images.apple.com/media/us/researchkit/2015/468e0650_d567_4295_af63_911bc296c110/tours/researchkit-film/researchkit-film-cc-us-20150315_848x480.mp4 MacBook: http://images.apple.com/media/us/macbook/2015/98474cad-63d2-443a-9125-a1a80bc150dc/tour/reveal/macbook-reveal-cc-us-20150309_848x480.mp4 Apple Watch: http://images.apple.com/media/us/watch/2015/a718f271_b19c_47d8_928d_d108fc5d702a/tv-spots/reimagined/watch-reimagined-cc-us-20150309_848x480.mp4 http://images.apple.com/media/us/watch/2015/a718f271_b19c_47d8_928d_d108fc5d702a/tour/gold/watch-gold-cc-us-20150309_848x480.mp4 http://images.apple.com/media/us/watch/2015/a718f271_b19c_47d8_928d_d108fc5d702a/tour/stainless-steel/watch-stainless-steel-cc-us-20150309_848x480.mp4 http://images.apple.com/media/us/watch/2015/a718f271_b19c_47d8_928d_d108fc5d702a/tour/aluminum/watch-aluminum-cc-us-20150309_848x480.mp4 ...Read More

혼자만의 시간

    예전에는 하루 중 언제가 제일 좋으냐 물으면 보통 아침 7시를 얘기했다. 하루를 힘차게 시작하는 시간! 새로운 하루를 맞이하는 시간이 너무 좋다고… 그런데 요즘은 저녁 10시가 제일 좋다.     운동 끝나고 집에 들어오면 아내와 아이는 자고 있고 집안은 고요하고 적막마저 아름다운 오롯한 ...Read More

Blind chef Christine Ha

1. Narrator: The —- have —— 6 of the 7 —- pies made for this —– test. —- has the last pie to be tasted before the judges —– who will be sent —–. 2. Gordon: How are you Christine? Christine: I’m —-, ——. ...Read More


1. They brought him —– to ——– an unspeakable crime. 2. Detective Dormer. It’s such an —— to meet you. I’m ——– Ellie Berg. Welcome to Nightmute. 3. It’s so ——– to be working with you. The Leland street murders is my —– —– ...Read More